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Industrial Research and Technology Transfer Laboratory accredited by Emilia Romagna Region (DGR 1213/2007) with Deliberation n.GPG/2012/119 of February 6, 2012.

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10 November 2020 at 6:00 pm.
Lectio Magistralis “Biology of Kindness”, organized by University of Naples

Immaculata De Vivo and Daniel Lumera take us on a journey to fully understand the power of the mind over genes, the secrets of longevity, the anti-inflammatory and anti-aging processes obtained through meditation, the relationship between nutrition and cancer, the impact of nature and music about health and mood, the importance of knowing how to create happy relationships for health and quality of life.

Professor Immaculata De Vivo, an epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School is one of the world's leading experts in cancer genetics. Daniel Lumera, sociobiologist, and international reference in the science of wellbeing, has been studying the impact that practices such as meditation have on physical and inner health for years.

It will be possible to follow the event via the following Zoom link .
Flyer .