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Industrial Research and Technology Transfer Laboratory accredited by Emilia Romagna Region (DGR 1213/2007) with Deliberation n.GPG/2012/119 of February 6, 2012.

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Rete Alta Tecnologia
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Ethics Policy and Privacy Protection

Ethics Policy and Privacy Protection

The Laboratory agrees to observe the following requirements at all times:

  • The Laboratory agrees to dedicate the greater part of its human and technological resources to industrial research and technology transfer, potentially directed towards the regional entrepreneurial system; the same applies to research undertaken on an independent basis.

  • The Laboratory agrees to ensure access to external customers without exception and not to operate exclusively for individual customers, or groups of these.

  • For activities involving industrial research and technology transfer performed to order, the core of the Laboratory’s work consists of services characterized by adaptation to customers’ requirements. The Laboratory agrees to implement all the necessary means to obtain the expected results, within times that reasonably correspond to those offered to the customer.

  • With regard to chargeable services, the prices for which are defined by the application of established protocols, the Laboratory agrees to achieve the expected results with adequate levels of reliability, within times that reasonably correspond to those offered to the customer.

  • The Laboratory agrees to use personnel with appropriate levels of technical competence and experience to ensure the quality of services and projects it has been entrusted to perform.

  • The Laboratory agrees to provide services to the public in line with the level of quality and professionalism of the members of the Network. The Laboratory will implement all the necessary measures to maintain the level of quality perceived as appropriate by customers, in terms of competence, professionalism and quality standards of service.

  • The Laboratory agrees to actively encourage its customers to provide feedback on their level of satisfaction, and to assess the content regularly, in order to obtain targeted information on how to improve the organization and services provided.

  • The Laboratory agrees to renew and expand its technological assets in order to provide its customers and partners with skills and resources that are kept constantly up to date.

  • If it is unable to meet the needs of external users directly, the Laboratory agrees to redirect them to other people who can undertake the work, particularly others within the NETWORK.

  • The Laboratory agrees to keep the subject, work and results of all work programmes confidential, unless it receives written authorization from the customer. Any such authorization must be entered into the clauses of the contract.

  • The Laboratory agrees not to disseminate any information identified as confidential that comes to its knowledge during its dealings with the public, even where no contracts exist, unless its disclosure is subject to the express written permission of the external users. With this purpose, it agrees to adopt and maintain updated appropriate procedures for protecting confidentiality, and to raise the awareness of its staff.

  • The Laboratory agrees to ensure that every person involved in services to businesses signs a declaration of commitment to the protection of confidentiality.

This series of commitments, which apply to the Laboratory that received the accreditation, may be disclosed publicly and to any persons requesting it.